Cherry Turnovers

Cherry Turnovers


  • Pilsbury Refrigerator Croissants or dough sheets
  • 1 can or jar of your favorite Cherry Pie Filling
  • red sprinkles
  • 2 Tbs cream


Preheat the oven to 350f.


Roll out the croissant dough. If using the croissants in triangles, pinch two together and roll our into a rectangle. Cut down the middle to create 2 long rectangles. Repeat with the other parts of the dough. Move the long rectangles to a a nonstick, foil lined baking sheet. Spoon 2 Tbs of cherry pie filing onto the bottom of each of the long rectangles. Fold over the top portion and crimp with a fork around the edges. Leave 1 of the long rectangles out so you can cut heart shapes out and garnish the top of the turnovers. Brush each with cream and decorate with red sprinkles. Bake for 10-12 minutes until all are brown and cooked through.


Serve Valentine’s Morning for a delicious treat for your family!